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Join the PhD Teaching Community

Would you like to get support with your teaching or supervisions tasks? Get inspired and develop your professional growth in this community of PhD students with a passion for teaching and learning.

This page is available in English only.

The PhD Teaching Community is here for all the PhD’s at the VU.
We're more than just a group; we're a diverse community of PhD learners from various faculties. Here, we encourage experimentation and learning in educational matters. Our aim is to create a supportive space for you as an educator - where you can freely discuss dilemmas, prioritize well-being, expand your professional network, and connect with fellow PhD students.

For whom
We are looking for VU PhD students that are curious to explore the teaching landscape. As a teacher, tutor, supervisor, mentor, coach, student guide and assessor, you are bringing your whole person to the classroom. Throughout the journey you will explore your inspiration, drivers, and vision as a teacher – which in turn reinforces your personal and professional identity. This asks for an inclusive and safe group in which you can share and learn together. 

Our ambition is to become a community of learners for life in which we participate actively for at least one year and have the possibility to celebrate our learnings annually with our alumni.

Are you a junior teacher? Please check the programme 'Professional teachership for junior teachers'.

More about this programme
Dates and registration

PhD students help each other at teaching

PhD students help each other at teaching

Article in Advalvas about the PhD Teaching community (22 November 2022).
When you are facing a group of students for the first time, there are so many things to pay attention to. Do I talk too fast? Can I be heard? Is my story comprehensible? Haven't I overlooked any material? "Those are the basic questions when people are just starting to lecture," says Susan Voogd, who is an education expert guiding the PhD Teaching Community.

Read the full article (in Dutch only)
Painting by member of the PhD Teaching Community

Contact and further information

Content-related questions

Als je vragen hebt over de inhoud van dit programma, neem dan gerust contact op met Wouter Buursma, w.buursma@vu.nl.

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