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The 1st PhD festival of VU Amsterdam, Anthropology

6 november 2024
Showcasing of Doctoral research in Anthroplogy at VU Amsterdam

In Anthropology department of VU Amsterdam we  are very proud of our PhD students, most of them are coming with their own scholarships, but we also have external students, some of them self-fudned and a few acquiring scholarships after they start their PhDs supervised by our staff.

In 2024  we are introducing the first PhD Festival by the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology which is to take place on November 13th 2024. During the festival the PhD students will present their research.

The presentations are addressing phenomena such as the ambitions of youngsters in south-east Amsterdam, to the experiences of migrants in Italy, and from the effects of neoliberalism in Chile to the dangers of severe malnutrition in Ethiopia.

VU Amsterdam's Anthropology Festival will take place at the VU Forumzaal 2 staring at 10.30am to 6 pm. 

If you are interested to attend please register by contacting Anthropology's secretary at: secretariaat.sca.fsw@vu.nl 

Image: Recent PhD defence in VU Anthropology by Yudha Dewanto 


Study with us: Bachelor Cultural Anthropology and Developmental Sociology / Master Social and Cultural Anthropology / Pre-master Social and Cultural Anthropology

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Read: VU Anthroplogy's blog

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