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Stimulation Project of VU Amsterdam, Anthropology launches website

22 oktober 2024
The Infrastructures, Sustainability, Commons project funded by a Stimulation grant launches its website showcasing the sub-projects

The Infrastructures, Sustainability, Commons project funded by a Stimulation grant launches its website showcasing the funded sub-projects.

Resources widely defined e.g. from sand and oil to sun, and wood and from wind to health and wellbeing or public spaces, have traditionally been part of political economy of commons or semi-commons. In recent history and with the emergence of capitalist modes of production much of these resources were commodified. However, within the context of the so-called post-capitalism there is a reverse of this phenomenon, with demands for the resources to return to commons, partially or fully. Within this framework the debates on infrastructures and sustainability are transformed to take into account these new parameters. 

With case studies in Turkey, Greece, Netherlands, Indonesia and Guyanas, ISC project is a project that approaches ethnographically these newly defined notions of sustainability and infrastructures in reference to the transformations in the political economy of the commons during (post)-capitalism. 

This project is funded by a Stimulation grant of the Dutch Ministry of Education and the Faculty of social Sciences at Vrije Universities Amsterdam, the anchor is the VU Professor of Social Anthropology Dimitris Dalakoglou and the research team is comprised out of Marjo de Theije, Freek Colombijn, Louisa Schneider, Leonidas Oikonomakis, Rachma Lutfiny Putri, Baris Esser and Dimitris Dalakoglou.   

See the website of Infrastructures, Sustainability, Commons project 

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