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Science Faculty PhD Council

Laatst gewijzigd op 19 februari 2024
Welkom op de overzichtspagina van de PhD Council van de Bètafaculteit. De council behartigt de belangen van de PhD-onderzoekers aan de faculteit. Heb je vragen of opmerkingen over de logistiek rondom jouw PhD? Dan helpen wij je graag!

De PhD council is opgericht met het doel om enerzijds de communcatie tussen het faculteitsbestuur en de PhD-onderzoekers te bevorderen, en anderzijds om de belangen van de PhD-onderzoekers in de Bètafaculteit te vertegenwoordigen. In die hoedanigheid zorgt de PhD Council voor informatie rondom jouw PhD traject,  communiceert het nieuwe regels en (onderwijs) vereisten voor PhD-onderzoekers, probeert het inzicht te krijgen in wat er speelt onder PhD-onderzoekers en ontwikkelt/faciliteerd het een netwerk van voormalig PhD-onderzoekers aan de faculteit (almuni). 

Afgevaardigde PhD-onderzoekers van verschillende graduate schools binnen de Bètafaculteit zijn betrokken bij de PhD council. Je vind een lijst met leden hieronder. Is jouw afdeling/instituut nog niet vertegenwoordigd in de council yet en wil je bijdragen aan een gezonder PhD werk klimaat? Meld je dan aan door ons een mail te sturen op:

Wie zitten er in de council?

  • Athena Instituut

    Luka Gudek
    Room: WN A-653

    Who am I?
    My name is Luka, I am a PhD candidate at the Athena Institute where I research public engagement and multi-stakeholder processes within the area of food system transformation. My academic background is in Political Science, which I studied and practiced in Zagreb, Utrecht, and Brussels, before settling in Amsterdam at the VU.

    What is my research about?
    My research focuses on the role of public engagement and multi-stakeholder engagement in facilitating large-scale sustainability transitions. I am conducting this research in a transdisciplinary, action-oriented way, through the CLEVERFOOD project.

    Why am I a member of the PhD council?
    Through participating in the council, I am supporting the institutional position on the PhD candidates on a Faculty level, as well as making the perspectives of the Athena PhD candidates heard. It is also always interesting for me to better understand the governance structures around us, in this case the PhD Council and the Beta Faculty.

  • Scheikunde en Farmaceutische Wetenschappen

    Agathe Depraz Depland
    Room: O2 building O8W45

    Who am I?
    I am Agathe Depraz Depland, I come from France and I am a PhD student in the Chemistry and pharmaceutical department, where I work on protein aggregations related to neuro-degenerative diseases.

    What is my research about?
    Neuro-degenerative diseases occur when the proteins in the brain misfold and aggregate to become fibrils. However the process of aggregation is complex and highly dynamic and it is believed that the intermediate oligomers are the one toxic for the brain cells. In the MS-LaserLab, we are developing a methodology that will be able reveal the identity, the structure, and the temporal evolution of these key intermediates.The idea is to use a novel single experiment hyphenating droplets-based microfluidics electrospray ionisation, mass spectrometry, ion mobility spectrometry and InfraRed action spectroscopy.

    Why am I a member of a PhD council?
    I love to be involved in something that seems bigger than just me. Being able to help with improving PhDs situation rather than just observing. I also like that I get to understand a bit better how things work around the faculty and identify the main actors.

  • Informatica

    Tom Humbert
    Room: NU:10th floor

  • Aardwetenschappen

    Fleur van Crimpen
    Room: W&N R350

    Who am I?
    I am Fleur and I am currently doing a PhD on coastal erosion along the Canadian Beaufort sea coast at the department Earth sciences. I have a background in geo-ecological dynamics and earth sciences.

    What is my research about?
    For my research I’m looking at the transport of carbon from thawing permafrost along eroding coasts in the Canadian Arctic. With the use of hydrodynamic fractionation we try to mimic the transport within the marine system, by doing so we try to understand what part will degrade and what will end up on the sea floor.

    Why do I love being a member of this Ph.D. council?
    Within the council I want to be an advocate for everyone who struggles with the combination of fieldwork, lab work and the never ending writing part. But besides that the VU should be a space where everyone feels safe and respected, being part of the council will give me the opportunity to fight for a better support and guidance within the VU.

  • A-life


  • Gezondheidswetenschappen


  • Instituut voor Milieuvraagstukken

    Michiel Ingels
    room: NU: 8th floor

  • Wiskunde

    Fabio Buccoliero
    Room: NU 9A-94

    Who am I?
    I am Fabio Buccoliero. I am a PhD student in the mathematics department, where I work on topological graph theory. I am passionate about mathematics and how to explain mathematics in an easy way.

    What is my research about?
    My research consists of applying knot theory to graph theory. In particular, I work with graphs (which are just a bunch of points connected by lines) whose lines are knotted, called spatial graphs. I try to see which of these spatial graphs can be put on top of a sphere or other surfaces, without letting their lines intersect each other.

    Why am I a member of a PhD council?
    I love being involved in what happens in my university. I believe that the PhD council is a wonderful opportunity not only to keep myself informed but also to be active for my department.

  • Neurowetenschappen (CNCR)


  • Natuur- en Sterrenkunde

    Bram Hoogland