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No other land 9 januari 2025 - 19 november 2024

In the south of the West Bank is Masafer Yatta, a collection of small villages that make up a community. There lives Basel Adra, a young Palestinian activist who has been fighting since childhood against the Israeli authorities bent on destroying that community; Israeli soldiers drive out the residents and demolish the houses.

He finds an unlikely ally in Yuval Abraham, an Israeli journalist who supports Basel in his struggle. But the fledgling friendship is fragile because of the vast differences in their lives; Basel has to deal with the military occupation on a daily basis, while Yuval is free to go wherever he wants.

With this film, an act of creative resistance and a call for justice, the four directors of this Palestinian-Israeli directing collective wanted to show that Palestinians and Israelis can indeed work together. The result has won many awards, including the Audience Award and the Best Documentary award at the last Berlinale.

Over No other land


  • 9 januari 2025


  • Rialto@VU


  • De Boelelaan 1111
  • 1081HV Amsterdam

Georganiseerd door

  • Rialto VU


  • Engels

Rialto VU

Nieuwe Universiteitsgebouw
De Boelelaan 1111
1081HV Amsterdam

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