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LEARN! Research Seminar by Thijs Bol 10 december 2024 16:00 - 17:00

The role of randomness. On the factors that drive inequality in education.

In this seminar, Thijs Bol will talk about the role of randomness in establishing success and failure in society, with a specific focus on education. To what extent do we have influence over where we end up in society, and in what ways can randomness affect inequality? In this presentation he will talk about his general perspective on the drivers of inequality, but will then zoom in on education: to what extent do children have an influence over where they’ll end up in the education system, and what does this tell us about inequality in education?

When? Tuesday, December 10, 16.00-17.00 (with dinner afterwards, a separate outlook invite will follow soon!)

Where? VU, MF-A415

How? This is a physical event, hybrid link on request at learn.fgb@vu.nl

Over LEARN! Research Seminar by Thijs Bol


  • 10 december 2024


  • 16:00 - 17:00


  • Engels

Prof. dr. Thijs Bol

Prof. dr. Thijs Bol

Professor of Sociology at the University of Amsterdam and director of the Amsterdam Centre for Inequality Studies. His research focuses on inequality in education, the labor market, and science. Since 2020, he is a member of the Young Academy of the KNAW. His recent work has been featured in journals such as Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Nature Scientific Reports, American Sociological Review, American Journal of Sociology, and Sociological Science.

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