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Lecture by Ana Lucia Araujo 17 november 2023 15:30 - 17:00

The Graduate School of Humanities is thrilled to announce an enlightening lecture session with the internationally recognized social and cultural historian of transnational and comparative history, Prof. Ana Lucia Araujo. This is a unique opportunity to delve deep into the nuances of the history of slavery and its legacies.

About the Speaker:

Prof. Ana Lucia Araujo is a Full Professor of History at the historically black Howard University, Washington DC. She boasts a rich academic background, having studied in Brazil, Canada, and France, with expertise spanning the fields of History, Art History, and Visual Arts. Her acclaimed scholarship predominantly revolves around the history of slavery, the Atlantic slave trade, and their prevailing legacies. She is also an expert in the memory, heritage, and visual culture of slavery. Her diverse publications have come out in English, Portuguese, French, and Spanish, her work has also been translated to Dutch.

About the Lecture: "The Gift: How Objects of Prestige Shaped the Atlantic Slave Trade and Colonialism"

In 'The Gift,' Prof. Araujo narrates the compelling tale of how luxury objects played a pivotal role in the European-African interactions during the Atlantic slave trade era. Central to her narrative is an eighteenth-century silver ceremonial sword commissioned by French traders in La Rochelle. Drawing from a rich array of sources in multiple languages and artifacts from museums across the globe, Araujo demonstrates how these luxury items shaped European-African relations during the era. The book underscores the influence of European-made prestigious artifacts, incorporating elements from West African and West Central African cultures, in the economic, cultural, and social dynamics that led to European conquest and colonization of West Africa. It traces the ceremonial sword's journey from its original gift status to its eventual looting in Dahomey, offering a fresh perspective on the Atlantic slave trade and colonialism.


Date: 17th November 2023

Location: HG-11A22, De Boelelaan 1105, 1081 HV Amsterdam

15.30: Lecture by Prof. Ana Lucia Araujo

16.30-17.30 Post-Lecture Gathering: After the lecture, students are invited for a casual drink and chat session. This is a fantastic chance to interact with Prof. Araujo and discuss further insights on the topic.

Over Lecture by Ana Lucia Araujo


  • 17 november 2023


  • 15:30 - 17:00

Georganiseerd door

  • Graduate School of Humanities VU


  • Engels

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