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Between regionality and connectivity 24 november 2023 09:15 - 14:45

In honour of Prof. Dr. Nico Roymans: Between regionality and connectivity. Understanding regional dynamics in the European Iron Age and Roman period

Following the symposium, you are invited to attend a Faculty ceremony including prof. dr. Royman's valedictory lecture in the Aula on the first floor of the Main Building. The ceremony will start at 15.45 sharp.

Please register before November 18th via: symposiumroymans@gmail.com


9.30-9.45: Ton Derks, Word of welcome and introduction

9.45-10.15: Nico Roymans, "Elite burials, interregional connectivity and societal change in the 5th century BC Lower Rhine-Meuse region"

10.15-10.45: Colin Haselgrove, "Coins, connectivities and coming together in Europe in the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC"

11.15-11.45: Sabine Hornung, "Titus Labienus' conquest of the Treveri and its archaeological implications - A change in perspective"

11.45-12.15: Manuel Fernandez-Götz, "Regionality and Connectivity in the Roman Iron Age of Northern Britan"

13.15-13.45: Maaike Groot, "A long-term perspective on animal husbandry in the Netherlands: chronological developments and regional differences"

13.45-14.15: Marion Brüggler, "Settlement development from the Late Iron Age to the Early Middle Ages on the Lower Rhine (Germany)"

14.15-14.45: Lisette Kootker & Stijn Heeren, "Unveiling Population Dynamics: An Archaeological and Quantitative Isotope Investigation of the Lower Rhine Borderscape from the Iron Age to the Early Medieval Period"

Over Between regionality and connectivity


  • 24 november 2023


  • 09:15 - 14:45


  • Main Building VU
  • HG-14A33

Georganiseerd door

  • VU Faculty of Humanities/CLUE+/ARCHON


  • Engels / Nederlands

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