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Last updated on 25 March 2024
Here you can find information on Edubadges.

Edubadges are digital certificates that show that the owner has acquired certain skills or knowledge. The file contains the description of this knowledge and skill and the issuer of the badge. The recipient of an edubadge can share it with others, for example on social media, a digital CV, an educational institution or with a (potential) employer.

Edubadges can be awarded for both accredited education and non-formal or extracurricular activities. VU Amsterdam only uses edubadges for non-formal or extracurricular activities.

If the teacher of your project has an edubadge you can inquire, please go to the website Login with an eduID (maybe you need to make one first) and connect the eduID to your VUnetID. By clicking 'I have read this', you declare that you have read the full privacy statement.

Then choose Collect to request your edubadge.

Privacy Statement Edubadges

Below are the most important points about edubadges and your privacy. In the full version detailed information about this processing can be found.

VU Amsterdam is the controller and SURF is the processor for issuing edubadges. For the edubadges platform to function, it is necessary to process your personal data. The VU uses edubadges for the recognition and validation of knowledge and professional skills from non-formal education.

To issue edubadges, your first name, last name and email address are processed. In addition the edubadge contains your eduID and supplementary information such as the time of issue, the publisher (the VU) and information about the achievement, educational module and/or learning outcomes. If you have any questions about your privacy, please contact

Edubadges FAQ

Do you have further questions? Problems using Edubadges? Contact your teacher or visit the FAQ on the Edubadges website.

View the rest of the Digital Student Guide