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Last updated on 17 January 2024
CodeGrade is an additional online platform licensed by Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam to support active blended learning. CodeGrade checks the correctness of programming code and gives you feedback. This allows you to study more effectively.

CodeGrade is an online programme where students can submit programming assignments and where teachers can assess the quality of the assignments. CodeGrade performs automated grading to check the correct functioning of code and detect plagiarism of code. There is also the possibility for teachers to provide inline comments and use rubrics for assessment. Students can give each other peer feedback on code.

At VU Amserdam, CodeGrade is integrated into the Learning Management System (Canvas) and can be accessed through that system. In some cases, CodeGrade is used stand-alone.

Privacystatement CodeGrade

The Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam takes your privacy seriously. Please read our privacy statement (see document on this page) for details.

CodeGrade FAQ

Still have questions? Problems using CodeGrade? Contact your teacher or visit the support pages of CodeGrade.

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