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Internships Faculty SBE

Last updated on 14 March 2024
During your SBE programme you can gain work experience during an internship or graduation project. However, it is not mandatory for any SBE programme.

During your SBE bachelor's and master's programme you can gain work experience during an internship or graduation project. In general, you take the initiative for an internship yourself. During your bachelor’s programme it is possible to do an internship for credits. Some master's programmes at SBE offer students the opportunity to do an internship for credits, or to combine the thesis with an internship. In addition to that, for all programmes, it is possible to do a 0 EC internship as part of the programme.

During your bachelor you can do an internship for 12 EC or 0 EC. During your master's you can do an internship for 6 EC or 0 EC, depending on the possibilities within your master's programme. Choose the manual that suits your situation to find more information about the internship process and the possibilities.

Are you enrolled for the Master's programme Business Administration: HRM, IM, LCM, MC or S&O and would you like to do an internship for 6 EC? Please choose the manual “BA Internship policy” to find more information.

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