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Internships Faculty of Humanities

Last updated on 27 February 2024
During your Faculty of Humanities study you will gain work experience during an internship or graduation project.

Internship per study program Faculty of Humanities:


Archaeology - in minor space 

CIW - in minor space

Philosophy - no internship

History - in minor space 

GLTC - in minor space

L & S - in minor space 

MKDA - in minor space

Ancient Studies - in minor space 

PPE - in the first semester third year (NB: 30 stp) 


Archaeology - in elective space

Classics and Ancient Civilizations - in elective space


  • TCO - in elective space
  • Schrijven -  in elective space
  • Vertalen - obligated
  • Journalistiek - no internship
  • Multimodal Communication - no 

Heritage Studies - in elective space 

Heritage Studies Duaal - obligated (NB: 60 stp) 

History - as a substitute of specialization courses 

Humanities Research - in elective space 

Arts and Culture - in elective space

Litarary Studies 

  • Dutch - in elective space
  • English - as a substitute of specialization courses


  • PBH - obligated
  • PNS - no internship
  • FCB - no internship
  • PLG - no internship 


  • NT2 - obligated
  • Taalstoornissen - obligated
  • Taaltheorie en taalbeschrijving - no internship

Information about Internships

  • Internships with 4 variants

    By doing an internship you will gain work experience and work on your CV, you can orientate yourself on the job market and you will get to know people from the professional field, thus expanding your network.

    During an internship you show that you can apply the knowledge and skills that you have acquired during your studies in practice. In addition to an internship, you often have to pass a few electives to fill your elective space of thirty points.

  • May or should I do an internship or not?

    May or should I do an internship or not?

    In most courses an internship is optional, but in some cases an internship is mandatory or not possible.

  • Approval and guidance

    • Before you can start an internship, you must ask a teacher from your study programme to act as an internship supervisor.
    • Which teacher depends on the content of the internship.
    • The internship supervisor assesses the content of the internship in advance and indicates whether the internship fits the study.

    Permission from Examination Board

    • As soon as the internship supervisor has approved, you must submit the internship for approval to the Examination Board via the form Overige vragen en verzoeken, in the form of an internship contract signed by you, your supervisor and internship mentor (the person who guides you within the company where you work).
    • You may only start your internship once the Examination Board has approved the contract.
    • For more information, read the Stagevoorwaarden
    • You can upload the completed and signed internship contract in the form at the bottom of this page.
    • If you have any questions, it is best to contact the study advisor.

    Internship plan

    • You must submit an internship plan to the internship supervisor within two weeks after the start of the internship. It contains a detailed description of the activities and a schedule from week to week as far as possible. You make this internship plan in consultation with your internship mentor.
  • Internship report and assessment

    • You will write an internship report at the end of the internship.
    • Approximately one week of the internship time must be allocated for the internship report.
    • The internship supervisor is responsible for the final assessment of the internship.
    • Within three weeks after the internship report has been submitted, the internship supervisor will announce the assessment.
  • When and for how long?

    The bachelor's programmes within the Faculty of Humanities do not have a mandatory internship, but you can do an internship as part of your electives (maximum 12 EC) in the 1st semester of the 3rd year.

    • In some Master's programmes it is possible to do an internship. Information about this can be found in the study guide of your study programme.
    • All information about internship can be found in the internship manual.
    • Under the drop-down screen Am I allowed to do an internship or not? you will find an overview of the internship (im) possibilities for your study program.
  • Internship information

    Information about the internship offer, the internship plan, approval by the Examination Board and the internship manual, the internship contract and insurance.

    An internship is the best way for students to put the knowledge and skills they have acquired during their studies into practice, and to get an idea of what they want to do after their studies.

    A teacher as an internship supervisor
    Before a student can start an internship, he / she or (if applicable) the internship coordinator must ask a teacher from the study programme to act as internship supervisor. The internship conditions describe the role of internship supervisor.

    Permission from Examination Board
    As soon as the internship supervisor has agreed, the internship must be submitted by the student to the Exam committee, in the form of an internship agreement, which is signed by the student, supervisor and internship mentor (the person who supervises the student within the company where he / she will do an internship).

    After the internship, the internship supervisor fills in an assessment form. The result must be communicated within 3 weeks after completion of the internship.

    Stagevoorwaarden 2018 (pdf)
    Stagecontract 2018 (doc)
    Beoordelingsformulier intern 2018 (doc)

  • BA CIW - Approval and guidance

    • Bachelorstudents CIW: after having found an internship, contact the internship coordinator ( to be assigned an internship supervisor.
    • Which teacher depends on the content of the internship.
    • The internship coordinator assesses the content of the internship in advance and indicates whether the internship fits the programme.

    Permission from Examination Board

    • As soon as the internship supervisor has approved, you must submit the internship to the exam committee via the form Overige vragen en verzoeken, in the form of an internship contract signed by you, your supervisor and internship mentor (the person who guides you within the company where you work).
    • You may only start your internship once the Examination Board has approved the contract. If you do an internship without permission from the Examination Board, no credits will be awarded.
    • For more information, read the internship rules.

    Internship plan 

    • You must submit an internship plan to the internship supervisor within two weeks after the start of the internship. It contains a detailed description of the activities and a schedule from week to week as far as possible. You make this internship plan in consultation with your internship mentor.
    • The internship plan must also be sent to the Examination Board.
  • BA CIW - Internship report and assessment

    • You write an internship report at the end of the internship.
    • Approximately one week of the internship time must be allocated for the internship report.
    • The internship supervisor is responsible for the final assessment of the internship.
    • A final interview is part of the assessment.
    • Within three weeks after the internship report has been submitted, the internship supervisor will announce the assessment.
  • BA CIW - When and for how long?

    The Bachelor's programmes within the Faculty of Humanities do not have a mandatory internship, but you can do an internship as part of your minor space (maximum 12 EC) in the 1st semester of the 3rd year. Keep in mind that in addition to the internship, you need to obtain 18 EC in courses to complete your minor space.

    • Additional information can be found in the Internship Conditions.
    • Do you have any questions? Then contact the internship coordinator.
  • BA PPE - Approval and guidance

    • Before you can start an internship, you must submit it to get approval from the internship coordinator. The coordinator assesses the content of the internship in advance and indicates whether the internship fits the programme.
    • The internship coordinator then assigns you a teacher who will act as internship supervisor.
  • BA PPE - When and for how long?

    Bachelor students PPE can do an internship of 30 credits in the first semester of the third year (less is not possible).

    • The JS Mill College assists in the search for an internship, but the ultimate responsibility for finding an internship rests with the student. If you cannot find an internship, you must participate in the "study abroad" semester of the programme.
    • All practical information about the internship can be found in the ‘PPE Internship Rules’.
  • Forms for PPE Internships

  • MA Philosophy - Approval and guidance

    • The activities carried out in the context of the internship must (a) be in the field of bioethics and (b) be of an academic level.
    • Before you can start the internship, the internship coordinator and the internship supervisor (s) must agree with the content of the internship.
  • MA Philosophy - Internship report and assessment

    • You fill in an evaluation form at the end of the internship.
    • The final product of the internship is part of the assessment of the internship.
  • MA Philosophy - When and for how long?

    • Students of the master Philosophy who follow the variant Philosophy, Bioethics and Health, have to complete a compulsory internship ("Practical Training") of 12 credits.
    • Internship vacancies are announced to students throughout the year.
    • In a number of cases it is possible to combine the internship with the thesis.
    • All practical information about the internship can be found in the Course Manual Practical Training PBH.

    CAC Internship guide

  • MA Heritage Studies Duaal - When and for how long?

    • Students of the master Heritage Studies: Curating Art and Cultures must do an internship (60 credits).
    • This so-called practical year is divided over two academic years and runs from 1 February to 31 January. The working days are Monday to Thursday; on Friday you take the courses Curatorial Practices in the Contemporary World (I and II).
    • All information about the internship can be found in the Internship manual.
  • Curating Art and Cultures (MA)

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