What are extracurricular courses?
As a VU Amsterdam student, you can take courses or a minor at VU outside your own study programme, also called extracurricular courses. In the Study Guide you can use the filter to find which subjects are offered as extracurricular. In principle, these courses do not count towards your degree and therefore do not count towards the required 180 (or 60) ECTS to graduate. Do you want to take extracurricular courses that do count towards your degree? Then ask the Examination Board for permission beforehand.
Would you like to take courses or a minor at a university other than the VU? To take a minor at another university, you must first request permission from the Examination Board of your own programme.
The Examination Board has a processing time of 30 working days from the moment the request is received. Please keep this in mind and ask permission as early as possible.
How to register?
You can register for extracurricular courses in the registration module. Select the tab 'all courses', choose 'search in extracurricular' and search for the course. Can't find the course? Contact the Education Office of the offering faculty. Permission from the Examination Board does not automatically mean that you may follow the course or minor from another faculty. There may be additional admission requirements or a maximum capacity.
Honours Programme
The Honours Programme consists of 30 EC of extracurricular courses to be taken during your bachelor's programme only. You will receive an Honours mention on your diploma if you successfully complete the Honours Programme and your bachelor's programme within three years, with an average result of 7.5 for your regular bachelor's subjects.
How to submit your external results?
Check here how to submit your externally obtained result, these are results obtained outside your regular programme/outside the VU.