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Toby Kiers

Evolutionary biologist, VU professor, and newly crowned Spinoza Prize laureate Toby Kiers invites us on an enthralling journey through the concealed realm of underground fungal networks in her Dies lecture.

With her groundbreaking work, she vividly demonstrates the might of these 'invisible' networks. Delving into the intricate interactions beneath the surface, Kiers unveils not only the complexity underground but also the profound influence these networks wield on our lives above ground. 

Kiers' pioneering research has made a significant mark on society, evident in the establishment of the Society for the Protection of Underground Networks. Supported by Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, this network unites experts from across the globe, affectionately known as 'myconauts,' to meticulously map these indispensable underground networks. 

As a trailblazer in her field, Kiers has garnered numerous accolades, including her recognition in the esteemed 2022 TIME100 Next list. There, she is lauded as an emerging leader shaping scientific, political, and artistic innovation. Through her organization, SPUN, Kiers champions the safeguarding of mycorrhiza while promoting a deeper understanding of their global prevalence. Additionally, Kiers crafts opinion pieces, delivers lectures, and organizes excursions, solidifying her role as a vital between the realms of science and society. 

Picture of Toby Kiers