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Silvester Draaijer

Silvester Draaijer's passion: making sense of ict in education

When you think of educational innovation and online educational applications, you think of Silvester Draaijer, programme manager at the VU Education Lab, part of VU Centre for Teaching & Learning (VU CTL). You could call him one of VU's testing experts.

Silvester studied Industrial Design at TU Delft: a practical engineering degree. Since 1993 he has worked in higher education, as a teacher and - in various positions - as a policy officer in the field of ict, education and educational innovation. "In 2016, I received my PhD on testing. I studied how teachers designed test questions and how you can support them in doing so."

Initiator VU Network for Teaching & Learning
His interests and experience come together in the VU Network for Teaching & Learning1, which Silvester founded in 2019, together with Gerhard van de Bunt. The VU Network for Teaching & Learning, also called the VU Education Lab, joins forces with the VU educational community as a network organization. The network is committed to educational innovation in various ways and supports teachers in application. "One central place was needed where teachers could go," Silvester says. "A teacher does not have to look for solutions and support by himself, but can come to us."

In addition to educational innovation, the VU Network for Teaching & Learning promotes a positive educational culture. Silvester: "We carry the message that education is incredibly fun and valuable in every possible way."

Getting hybrid education right
Corona was an accelerator for the network, Silvester says. "It suddenly became important for people to be able to find each other quickly online. Right then, we were ready with the software to help people do that. We were able to train everyone and gave a lot of workshops. For example: how do you deal with Zoom and with online Mentimeter? How do you create a good inclusive atmosphere online? We gave a lot of advice on how to do hybrid education right."

Consulting with scientific knowledge
"Our work then gained momentum. When hybrid education went well, we looked at what could be structurally improved. We do that 'non-normatively': we don’t forbid anything, but advise from scientific knowledge. That works."

"It is interesting every time to discover new things," Silvester said. "From my own experiences as a teacher, I want to make work easier for other teachers with ICT applications. To get something done in the broad field of education, you have to be able to do many different things. You have to have a vision and know about didactics and technology, dealing with ict-teachers, ict-processes, procurement, security, AVG and administrative decision-making. At the VU Network for Teaching & Learning, we have all that in-house."

Want to know more, or get in touch with Silvester? Then email Or drop by NU 1A-25.

1Starting from the 1st of May 2023, LEARN! Academy and the VU Education Lab have united their expertise in the new Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL). By uniting the expertise of LEARN! Academy and the VU Education Lab, the CTL serves as a center for exchanging knowledge, ideas, and experiences about educational development at VU Amsterdam.

Portrait photo of Silvester Draaijer