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Scherder's Symphony: The Harmony of Thought (feat. the VU Orchestra) 

Interactive opening of the festival with neuropsychologist Erik Scherder and the VU Orchestra 

What exactly happens in your brain when you listen to your favourite music? How is it that melodies have such a profound emotional impact? 

Neuropsychologist Erik Scherder and the VU Orchestra guarantee a spectacular and interactive opening of the Déjà VU Festival. Here, science comes to life in a unique way. Together, they will let you experience the fascinating connection between music, the brain, and emotions. 

Learn how melodies evoke a range of feelings and how your favourite songs calm your brain, prompting it to 'wander' or contemplate. Prepare for a special encounter between science and music. Make sure you don't miss this festival opening! 

Language: Dutch
Time: 5:00 - 5:40 p.m.
Venue: 'Science Live'

This session is hosted by alumnus Manu van Kersbergen.

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