Bas Jacobs has been professor of economics & public finance since 2022. He regularly shares his insights and opinion on current affairs with media, such as BNR and Vrij Nederland. Jacobs has published work on optimal taxation and income redistribution, the marginal cost of public resources, optimal wealth taxation, human capital and optimal education policy, environmental tax policy, macroeconomic policy, labour markets and wage inequality, fiscal policy and ageing, economic growth and technological change. He has collaborated with Robin Boadway, Lans Bovenberg, Casper van Ewijk, Aart Gerritsen, Joop Hartog, Albert Jan Hummel, James Heckman, Egbert Jongen, Ruud de Mooij, Richard Nahuis, Rick van der Ploeg, Alexandra Rusu, Dirk Schindler, Kevin Spiritus, Paul Tang, Jules Theeuwes, Uwe Thuemmel, Dinand Webbink, Sweder van Wijnbergen, Honyang Yang, Floris Zoutman and others.
Professor public economics Bas Jacobs
Prof. Jacobs’ research lies at the intersection of public finance, tax optimisation, welfare economics, macroeconomics, Human Capital Theory and labour economics.