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Melanie de Wit, PhD genetic and environmental influences on Autism Spectrum Disorders at the Nederlands Autisme Register

Alumnus Genes in Behaviour and Health

'When I first heard of the Master Genes in Behaviour and Health, I immediately knew that that was what I wanted to pursue. And indeed, I have not ever regretted my decision ever since. During my Bachelor in Psychology at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam I was already following a track that involved genetic science. I enjoyed the track so much, so I was truly excited when I heard they set up this Master. 

The program itself is really interesting, up-to-date with the quick developments in the field, and challenging enough. What I especially liked, was the personal approach that this Master has. I was able to choose specific subjects of my own interest, while also learning all there is to know about the basics of genetics. Moreover, the teachers in the program are really involved in your personal development, which is one of the virtues of being in a smaller Master program.

The program prepared me quite well for my next steps. Not only did I learn about genetic models, statistics, writing and programming, but there was also a lot of room for personal development and discussion. For example, there were elaborate discussions about career opportunities after getting the degree. I chose to pursue a position as a PhD candidate. I am currently doing research on genetic and environmental influences on Autism Spectrum Disorders at the Nederlands Autisme Register (NAR), with the Master’s program director (Prof. Dr. Meike Bartels) as one of my co-promotors.'

Portrait picture of Melanie de Wit