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Koen Bruning

PPE student writes book on universal basic income

In addition to his studies, PPE (Philosophy, Politics & Economics) student Koen Bruning (20) is writing a book on universal basic income: 1000 euros per month for every Dutch citizen. According to Koen, this is the solution to combat wealth inequality and polarization while strengthening the Dutch democracy. It is not easy to combine an intensive study like PPE with being an author. Nevertheless, Koen found a setup that works for him.

How do you combine writing a book with being a student? 

“On a normal school day, I would usually attend every seminar and most of the lectures, and right after that jump into the nice study area to read and work on the book, which has been a nice setup for me. Plus, a lot of the thinking in the book overlaps with PPE, which helps a lot as well.” 

How did PPE help you in the process of writing the book?  

“I would say that combining political philosophy with economics was the most interesting for me, given that I really disagree with the normative standpoints adopted by neoclassical economics, and philosophy gives you the tools think differently about the 'homo economicus'.”

What are other sources that inspire you?  
“Nassim Nicholas Taleb, Francis Fukuyama, and Daniel Kahnemann are my biggest inspirations.”

Why did you choose to study PPE? 

“The idea of being stimulated in my thinking, through several different perspectives and ideas about how we should organize society, really lured me in.”

What do plan on doing after graduation?  
“I would really like to be able to keep on writing books and articles, and hopefully be able to implement a Universal Basic Income, most preferably as Prime Minister, haha.”

The book “Samen Rijk” (Rich Together) will be published in 2021. Curious? Read more about the content of the book in this magazine.

Koen Bruning