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Keri van Douwen

Pursuing an academic career

Keri van Douwen was among the first students to graduate with a Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE) Bachelor’s degree from VU Amsterdam in 2019, because the programme was brand-new when she started. Since then, she’s been pursuing her academic career with a Master’s degree, a research project for the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, teaching a course at the university, and now applying for a PhD. Keri explains how PPE got her to where she is now.

While PPE in general is very international, there was one particular course that really piqued Keri’s interest in international relations. “It was during my third year, when I was studying abroad for a semester in Sydney, Australia,” Keri explains; “I took a course on Islam and democracy in the modern world. It was my first introduction to international conflict, and conflict between religion and democracy.” From there, Keri went on to a Master’s in Law and Politics of International Security at VU. “PPE really led the way to my Master’s; almost all the philosophy courses helped me understand issues in international relations, and the development economics courses were very international in nature.” 

Academic calling

Having graduated from her Master’s in mid-2020, Keri was asked by one of her professors to help with a research project for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The research focuses on developments relating to cyber warfare and cyber security in recent years. “The question of how the Netherlands stays safe from malicious cyber activities, or what human rights we have in the online world – these are really relevant to today’s society.”

Five months later, Keri was offered a role teaching a Bachelor’s course for two months at VU. “I’d never considered going into teaching,” says Keri, “but I’m really enjoying it. PPE is great preparation for academia and education – it teaches you presentation skills, how to formulate logical arguments, and how to engage in a topic from multiple perspectives. Although I imagine these skills would be useful in any career!”

At the same time, Keri is working on her research proposal for a PhD: “With all the new technological developments, we’re in the strange situation that we’re trying to apply rules to the future using laws that were made in the past. Take election interference, for example – should legal scholars come up with new rules for this, or does that risk politics getting too much involved? That’s the kind of question my PhD thesis will look at. At least, I hope so – I only just started my career so who knows where it’ll take me next!”

Expert advice

Keri has plenty of advice for students considering VU Amsterdam: “Try as many new things as possible. Find a study association, join a committee, do a semester abroad – it’ll not only look good on your CV but it’ll also give you first-hand experience of the things you’re studying. You’ll get much more out of your degree if you’re engaged in the world around you. And that’s especially true in the case of PPE – it’s a small programme so everyone knows each other personally and is passionate about what they’re studying.”

The personal connection was especially important for Keri: “Even if you find it difficult to approach people you don't know, you can still 'network' within a small group. Tell a professor that you love their research and you’re interested in their work. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. It’s how I got to where I am today.”

Photography: Rodolfo Vejar

Keri van Douwen, alumna Philosophy, Politics and Economics

“PPE is great preparation for academia and education – it teaches you presentation skills, how to formulate logical arguments, and how to engage in a topic from multiple perspectives. Although I imagine these skills would be useful in any career!”