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Jeroen Geurts

Rector Magnificus Jeroen Geurts is the host at Dies Natalis 2023, guiding the audience on an journey into the significance and potential of 'networks in an academic setting.'

He daringly challenges conventional beliefs and presents Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam as a vibrant, responsive network. Here, the appreciation of diverse talents and interdisciplinary collaboration takes center stage in addressing significant societal challenges.  

During Dies Natalis, Jeroen reflects on the possibilities of such an organizational structure and its implications for the role of scientists within this framework. He believes it's essential to investigate our capacity to organize dynamically and responsively. What do we mean by changing roles, and what does it require from scientists to serve the network willingly?  

And do we stand to lose anything in this transition? Perhaps the image of the scientist toiling away in solitude, with a high tolerance for frustration, struggling to write grant proposals to fund their team – is this an image we still cherish somewhere? Is it wise to do so? He invites you to be part of this vibrant network, urging everyone to collectively embrace the challenges of our time. Join us in this lively network and together, let's confront the challenges of our era.  

Picture of Rector Magnificus Jeroen Geurts