Name: Daniëlle Matser
Age: 28 years
PBH cohort: 2017-2020
Bachelor’s program: HBO Medical Imaging & Radio therapeutical Techniques, pre-master's Philosophy (VU) and pre-master's Health Sciences (VU)
2nd master’s program: Health Sciences (VU)
Current job/position: Advisor at the Dutch Health Care Institute
But WHY: Why did you choose to follow Philosophy: Bioethics and Health at the VU? How do you look back at your studying time there?
I chose to study PBH because it was something different and challenged me to look at the world differently and question it more. Moreover, I liked to broaden my methods of argumentation and building an argument.
Pros and cons: What did you like the most about the Philosophy: Bioethics and Health program? And did you encounter any struggles?
I would say for me the greatest struggle was also a blessing; you really have to challenge yourself to form an opinion and to build solid arguments. This is not always fun. It forced me to grow as a person, which often was uncomfortable. But in the end, it’s good to have the tools to really look at a problem or situation and explore different perspectives.
Life changer: What is the most informative or enlightening (bio)ethical or philosophical theory/experience/subject/dilemma that you learned about during Philosophy: Bioethics and Health?
This would be the discussion about technical innovation such as robots, phones and wearables and the future of them. In discussions we all agreed that we – humans – should always maintain control over our phones, wearables, or robots. Only to realise later that technology, in a way, already controls us. Do we use our phone or does our phone use us? I got some very interesting insights there.
In or out of (bio)ethics: Are you currently working in the field of (bio)ethics? Why (not)?
I’m working out of the (bio)ethics field; from my other study I got offered a job and I took it. I’ve been working at the Dutch Health Care Institute ever since.