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Ethics with a Wink

Interactive session with Bert Molewijk, Professor of Ethics Support at Amsterdam UMC

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you felt your behaviour was influenced by external circumstances, or noticed you were going against your own ethical principles? How do you deal with that moral stress?

Everyone is instilled with certain norms and values from a young age. From this foundation stems ethical behaviour, which is the core of both our personal and professional lives. When you are forced to take an action that seems to contradict your norms and values – something that doesn’t feel 'right' – you can experience moral stress.

In this interactive session, Bert Molewijk, Professor of Ethics Support at Amsterdam UMC, offers new insights into ethical dilemmas that you encounter daily. Through a dynamic dialogue, he explores various ethical perspectives.

This is an inspiring session where you learn to understand ethical challenges and turn them into opportunities for personal and professional growth.

Language: Dutch
Time: 7:00 - 7:45 p.m.
Venue: 'Science Live'

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