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Dance group AfroMixChicks - Avalon Brown

Avalon Brown, AfroMix dance instructor at VU Griffioen will preforme together with her dance ensemble, AfroMixChicks, composed of VU alumni at the Dies Natalis.

AfroMix is a fusion of various dance styles rooted in African dance, it is characterized by expansive, grounded, intense, and rhythmic movements. Mastering AfroMix demands complete surrender to the dance, coupled with the finesse of independently moving your upper and lower body, all while harmonizing with the fellow dancers around you. 

Avalon finds the Dies Natalis theme particularly resonant: the notion of looking downward, rooting both feet deep into the earth, echoing Toby Kiers' description, aligns seamlessly with her message. Join Avalon and experience the power of AfroMix, where every movement tells a story and connects you to the earth beneath your feet. Get ready to be enthralled as AfroMixChicks bring this dynamic fusion of dance to life, celebrating the essence of unity, rhythm, and cultural diversity. 

Showgroup members: Avalon Brown, Elena Fonsecaneves, Charlotte van Nee, Merel Wilms Floet, Siddhi Shetty, Eline Schüchner, Ibou Ndong, Jasper Hutte en Itaï Shiran 

Picture of dancer Avalon Brown