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Bo Janssen

Celebrates teaching with teachers

"Many teachers are busy with their own teaching. When they can exchange ideas with each other in a friendly setting, new things arise. It's very rewarding to facilitate that." Speaking is Bo Janssen, project manager at VU Centre for Teaching & Learning (VU Education Lab).

He organizes the many events that take place there throughout the year: inspiring workshop afternoons, tours and teaching conferences. He also coordinates the content that informs and inspires the VU teaching community on a daily basis.

"The highlight of the year is the VU Education Day," Bo says. "The day we celebrate education at VU with interesting speakers, sessions and good food."

Educational innovations in the spotlight
In addition, Bo is proud of the first edition of the Show & Share event last June. "At the Show & Share event, we put small educational innovations in the spotlight that are made possible by teachers themselves. So we give them the stage they deserve."

Togetherness among teachers
Needless to say: Bo enjoys contributing to a positive teacher community and the sense of belonging among VU teachers. After a career in international business, he consciously chose the higher education domain. "I have the sense of purpose at the VU Education Lab that I missed before. Every day I'm still glad that I switched to teaching."

Want to know more, or get in touch with Bo? Then email Or stop by at NU 1A-25.

Portrait photo of Bo Janssen