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Funding opportunities

Grants Overview

VU IXA-GO supports researchers at VU with several types of research grants. On their website they provide a list of the most common grants that they support. These are national grants, European grants, personal grants and consortium grants. The grants overview page provides you with an initial overview of the best-known grants and grant suppliers. One of their regulations is that they primarily support grants of EUR 250,000 or more and only for researchers at the post-PhD stage of their careers.

Some faculty research support offices also provide support with other grants than those listed in the grants overview page. Contact the research support office of your faculty for further information.

Research Connect

All VU Amsterdam employees have free access to Research Connect. With Research Connect researchers can search for a wide variety of funding opportunities across the globe and identify those that are most suitable for their career stage and academic field.

Visit Research Connect

Personal funding opportunities scan

VU Amsterdam Grants Office at VU IXA-GO offers the possibility to conduct a personal funding scan based on your CV, career stage and research topic.

CV scan

Before you decide to submit a research grant it is recommended to first check if your CV is competitive enough for the specific grant you are trying to secure. VU Amsterdam Grants Office at VU IXA-GO provides the service of a CV scan in relation to the most common personal research grants, such as the Veni, Vidi and Vici grants, and the ERCs. Some faculties (such as SBE and FSS) also provide this service at the faculty level.