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Education Adriba

ADRIBA wants to spread the science of behavior analysis and Organizational Behavior Management (OBM) as quickly and widely as possible, so that as many people as possible can enjoy this scientific and practical approach. That is why we provide several training courses.

We see behaviour as the basis of almost all organisational issues. With knowledge of the theory and application of behavioural analysis, you will do your work much better than you already do. You learn to map, analyse and measurably improve performance.

The approach tackles countless organizational issues. For example, organizational change, culture change, output increase, quality improvement, reduction of absenteeism and accidents, better management (with less pressure, with more fun), achieving better sales results, dealing with remuneration and bonuses and training more effectively, etc.

Our courses are therefore suitable for (interim) managers, organizational consultants and HRM consultants who want to apply and/or roll out this methodology within and/or outside their organization. 

Our training programmes can be viewed in Dutch on our website.

If you have any questions about our courses, do not hesitate to contact us. We would like to meet you!

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