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ADRIBA was founded in 2010 by Dr. Marius Rietdijk and Drs. Joost Kerkhofs.

ADRIBA had its formal launch on the Dutch market on June 23, 2011.

Dr. Marius Rietdijk is the scientific director of ADRIBA. In 2009, he received his PhD in the subject of Organizational conditioning. The influence of rewards and punishment on work performance.  
He safeguards the behavioral analytical quality and is the ultimate responsible person for the education of (PhD) students. He designs the research program en guards the progress within the program. Also, he is the connection for American universities and is Trustee of the Cambridge Center for Behavioral Studies ( He also provides training and is a much sought-after speaker and coach. He can be reached on 06-24217648. More about his publications and interviews


Joost Kerkhofs MSc is the business director of ADRIBA. He studied policy and organizational sciences at the University of Tilburg in the Netherlands. He is an independent interim manager and management consultant.  Kerkhofs safeguards the operational quality and is connection for Dutch contacts (partner organizations and interested parties. 

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