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After your defense

After finishing your PhD there are lots of possibilities. Explore the opportunities.

Alumni network and annual events

After graduation or doctoral degree you are an alumnus of VU Amsterdam. You belong to our VU Alumni Community, a network of over 95.000 graduates. Stay in touch via VU alumni network or join Promovendi Netwerk NederlandMaria Curie Alumni Network, and Holland Alumni Network. Some of these Alumni networks provide career services and counseling.

Career opportunities

The Graduate Schools and faculties offer training to improve your career chances in or outside academia. For more information on opportunities for job placements please consult our vacancies.

For PhD candidates who are officially employed by VU Amsterdam (internal PhD candidates), the Expertise center HR development organizes a series of three (mandatory) career workshops towards the end of their employment period. During these workshops, you learn to reflect on your competences, gain practical skills in networking and LinkedIn, how to write a successful CV and cover letter and conduct job interviews. You will be invited for these workshops by the Expertise center three months before your contract ends. For more information, please visit the job-to-job-counselling page.

A number of job opportunities in science are also available at: 

We also encourage our PhD candidates to look beyond academic jobs and explore opportunities in non academic settings.