1. MoodLift: free e-health for mental health issues
MoodLift, a national initiative to which VU Amsterdam is affiliated, offers free e-health programmes to promote students' mental health. These e-health interventions are anonymous, fully online and evidence-based. Students follow them under the guidance of a coach. Students can come to them with different types of complaints: procrastination, stress, mood problems, self-confidence and sleep problems. Overcome your perfectionism with GoodEnough, for example, or improve your social life with SociaLife!
Check out MoodLift.
2. Student Wellbeing Point: accessible point of contact
At the Student Wellbeing Point (SOZ), trained students (the Point Peers) help their fellow students with questions about wellbeing – personal or study-related. Students can also take a breather, find more information about e.g. the student psychologists, or have a helping conversation over a cup of tea. Accessibility is important at the Student Wellbeing Point. The Point Peers are in close contact with other initiatives surrounding student wellbeing, and can therefore easily make referrals or set up appointments.
The Student Wellbeing Point is for Dutch-speaking and international students.
More about the Student Wellbeing Point.
3. Sportcentrum VU: stay physically fit
Nothing is more important for your well-being than being physically fit. Sportcentrum VU offers more than 35 different sports: from fitness to yoga and from futsal to boxing. You can play sports at two locations: on campus and at Uilenstede. Students play sports at a reduced rate and there is professional supervision.
More about Sportcentrum VU.
Have you seen the overview of student wellbeing programmes? Check out the student wellbeing roadmap too. Or take a look at the Wellbeing Calendar for an up-to-date view.