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New in GoodHabitz: Self-insight tests

13 May 2024
Get to know GoodHabitz assessments.

Personal development starts with asking the right questions: Who are you? What can you do? How do you want to develop further? With GoodHabitz's online self-insight tests, you take a close look at yourself (or your team). 

The tests are available in four different categories:

  • Identity: Map out who you are, what role you take on in a team and how you communicate with others. 
  • Skills: How are your language or digital skills?  
  • Capacity: From spatial insight to language skills, these tests measure your brainpower.
  • Vitality: Get insights into your well-being, work happiness and mindfulness.

The science-based question formats and interactive reports provide interesting self-insights. Afterwards, you can take one of the recommended GoodHabitz training courses. 

Good to know

From today, you follow GoodHabitz training courses directly in the GoodHabitz environment and are no longer in VU's Learning Management System (LMS). This brings more benefits for employees, including the possibility of taking the courses on your mobile phone and in 13 languages. 

What is GoodHabitz?

GoodHabitz is an online training platform. Over 150 training courses and master classes are available in GoodHabitz for all VU employees. This allows you to boost your personal development. You can read more on the E-learning page.