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KIN Center for Digital Innovation promotes Perspectives on Hybrid

5 March 2024
Since COVID-19, the way we work has taken a whole new shape with hybrid working becoming the new norm. It's not just about finding the perfect balance between keeping employees happy and keeping costs in check. There's a lot more to it than meets the eye.

The KIN Center for Digital Innovation presents "Perspectives on Hybrid", a photographic exhibition that offers a nuanced exploration of hybrid working. How does hybrid work impact our lives? What influence do spaces exert in shaping it? And how does each employee's role evolve? Each photo captures the challenges stemming from the increased use of technology and the multiple locations where work happens.

The exhibition comprises 14 photos taken by employees and the research team, featuring offices, homes, and other spaces connected through different devices. The exhibition’s primary goal is to call attention to everyday objects and their relevance to organizing for hybrid working. The exhibition invites the audience to consider their own experiences and reflect on the changing landscape of what, why, when, where, and how we work. 

"Perspectives of Hybrid" encompasses a two-year qualitative study conducted by researchers from the KIN Center for Digital Innovation and funded by the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam through the Hybrid Working Initiative led by FCO, HRM, and IT. The researchers collected interviews and observations from employees, including both academics and support staff, from various faculties of Vrije Universiteit. Going beyond traditional methods, the team adopted an innovative approach to data collection, inviting participants to engage in dynamic dialogue. The researchers encouraged them to capture their hybrid work experiences through their own perspectives: "We asked participants to take pictures of their work practices in moments they recognised as relevant in their experience of hybrid working. The exhibition features just a few of them.” Overall, the research gathered more than 500 pictures.

"We are thrilled to present 'Perspectives on Hybrid’. Our aim is to spark dialogues and inspire collective reflection on the transformative potential of hybrid working," explains the team curating the exhibition. The exhibition can be visited from 5th to 25th March, at the ground floor in the Main Building. An (online) extension will be available for a comprehensive perspective of the themes explored through the pictures.

For more information, please contact

Dr. Gislene Feiten Haubrich

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