In spring 2023, the Impact Lab and Aureus launched an exciting challenge for the VU Community: to make the study association more inclusive. We posed a simple question: How can we create an environment that truly welcomes everyone?
A DBI Master’s student, Oumaima el Aazizi stepped forward with an idea that sparked everyone’s interest. She proposed making association events accessible by taking advantage of new technologies that aid students with hearing disabilities to participate.
The big moment came at the TEDxTalk Amsterdam on April 24th 2024 when six influential speakers from around the world delivered their inspiring presentations. But before that, there was groundwork to be done. Together with Aureus Innovation Officer, Milan van Kamperdijk, the Impact Lab had to first recognize the barriers preventing these students from fully participating in social events like live talks and presentations.
Thanks to the dedication of Milan and Oumaima's infectious energy, the idea blossomed into reality. It was a celebration of knowledge, diversity, and the transformative power of collaboration.
Following TEDxTalk Amsterdam, Oumaima is moving forward with her business focused on fostering inclusivity within society, while Milan is dedicated to developing inclusivity guidelines for the study association events. In the buzz of campus life, we witnessed the power of collaboration to create a future where everyone's voice counts.