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Fleur Deken's view on Innovation in healthcare in Het Financieele Dagblad

9 July 2024
The Netherlands faces an impending healthcare crisis, with projections suggesting that a quarter of its workforce will be in healthcare by 2040. Fleur Deken, Professor of Strategy, Technology, and Innovation, discusses how innovation in healthcare can mitigate these challenges, along with the hurdles encountered during implementation.

Efforts to innovate and relieve pressure on healthcare staff are crucial, aiming to streamline processes and reduce dependency on hospital-based care. However, many promising innovations struggle due to issues like narrow evaluation criteria and insufficient integration with existing medical practices. 

Fleur Deken from the KIN Center for Digital Innovation shares her view on problems in innovation in healthcare and the potential solutions to alleviate the problem with the readers of Het Financieele Daglblad readers, drawing from the “Cross-over Collaboration for Digital Innovation” research project funded by an NWO grant. Her recent Veni grant project, "Unveiling Collaborative Capabilities and Routines for Mission-Oriented Innovation," uniquely examines both technological and organizational aspects of innovation development. This research not only identifies effective collaborative practices for mission-driven innovations but also aims to translate these insights into new organizational processes across diverse industries, including healthcare.

Read the full article (pdf)

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