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Congratulations to Bomi Kim for successfully defending her doctoral thesis!

26 June 2024
On November 23, 2024, Bomi Kim from the KIN Center for Digital Innovation successfully defended her doctoral thesis titled "Exploring Emerging Intelligent Technologies and the Future of Knowledge Work: The Case of AI in Radiology".

How do emerging intelligent technologies and the organizing of knowledge work constitute one another? Bomi Kim's PhD dissertation answers the research question in three chapters. The first chapter delves into artificial intelligence (AI) discussions within the radiology community, uncovering a fragmented understanding due to the absence of specific contexts. The second chapter explores the development of a deep learning system, focusing on the evolving collaboration between clinicians and engineers working with this complex technology. The third chapter analyzes the use of advanced image analysis software, demonstrating that the value, functionality, and social meaning of technology emerge through user interaction. This dissertation enhances our understanding of the interplay between AI and knowledge work, illustrating how they shape new professional roles, blur traditional boundaries, and establish new ones within organizations. It underscores the need for coordinated organizational efforts to fully leverage AI's potential and highlights the pivotal role of knowledge workers in shaping AI's development and impact.

Along with her thesis supervisors, Marleen Huysman and Mohammad Hosein Rezazade Mehrizi, Bomi Kim is a member of AI@Work research group who study how AI and digital technologies change the way organizations work. She is also appointed as an Assistant Professor at the House of Innovation, Stockholm School of Economics, where continues to study the development and use of AI, focusing on cross-boundary collaboration, knowledge, expertise, and occupations and professions.

More information on the thesis