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VU Amsterdam and UvA Collaborate on Groundbreaking AI Initiative for Education

22 November 2023
In response to the transformative impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on the educational landscape, VU Amsterdam and the UvA have unveiled a pioneering project – the AI Maturity in Education Scan (AIMES). This collaborative effort is set to elevate AI literacy among teachers, programme directors, and faculty board members.

Enhancing AI understanding in five minutes
AIMES, aligned with the EU key requirements for Trustworthy AI and where possible with the EU AI ACT, seeks to enhance understanding and unlock the potential of AI in education. The AIMES instrument includes three short, role-specific surveys, each requiring just five minutes for completion. These surveys assess participants' AI maturity levels, providing immediate, actionable insights to bolster AI comprehension in their educational settings.

Available for application in Q3 2024
The comprehensive AIMES roadmap encompasses expert reviews, pilot programmes, and validation processes, culminating in the release of AIMES as an Open Educational Resource. Anticipated for global application in higher education by the second half of 2024, AIMES reflects a collaborative commitment to addressing the dynamic landscape of AI in education.

Join the AIMES initiative: a call for experts
Are you involved in (senior) teacher training programs or educational leadership activities, and would you like to contribute to the development of AIMES? And/or would you like to be kept informed about the AIMES project and availability of the tool for you and/or your colleagues?

Then fill out the AIMES interest form. Here you can indicate if you want to join the panel (will be formalised by the end of January 2024), and/or receive emails with updates about AIMES.

Read more about AIMES
Here you can read more about the AIMES project.

Contact and more information

Do you have questions about this project and/or AI and teaching?

Please contact Luuk Terbeek through


  • Luuk Terbeek
  • Educational Advisor AI in Education at the Centre for Teaching and Learning, VU Amsterdam and Project Leader AI in Education, Teaching and Learning Centre Central, University of Amsterdam
Luuk Terbeek