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These are the nominees for the FSS Research Awards 2023

7 December 2023
Every year, the Faculty of Social Sciences grants three research awards: a masterthesis award, a dissertation award and a research award. The winners will be announced on Friday 19 January, at the Talma Event.

Nominations FSS Research Award (senior) 2023

The FSS Research Award aims to bring the most appealing, promising and original research achievements into the spotlight. Each academic department of the FSS may nominate one candidate. This year the FSS Research Award will be granted to a senior research talent. Next year the award will be granted to a junior research talent.

Bianca Beersma (Organization Sciences)

Marjolein Broese van Groenou (Sociology)

Naná de Graaff (Political Science and Public Administration)

Elly Konijn (Communication Science)

Pal Nyiri (Social and Cultural Anthropology)

On the FSS Grants and Awards page, you can find more information about the research topics of the nominees.

Nominees FSS Dissertation Award 2023

The FSS Dissertation Award seeks to increase the high quality of empirical research in the broad field of social sciences. The granting of the FSS Dissertation Award is open to all FSS former PhD students who defended their dissertations in the past two years at the faculty.

Rosanne Anholt (Political Science & Public Administration)
Governing (In)security and the Politics of Resilience
Promotor: W.M. Wagner

Elena Bonanini (Social and Cultural Anthropology)
Reshaping Humanitarian Intervention in Greece
Promotor: D. Dalakoglous

Robert Larruina (Organization Sciences)
The Winding Road to Meaningful Integration: A Ten-Year Multi-Perspective Approach to Unraveling Refugee Reception and Integration in the Netherlands
Promotor: K. Boersma & H. Ghorashi

Felicia Loecherbach (Communication Science)
Diversity of News Consumption in a Digital Information Environment
Promotor: W. van Atteveldt

Moos Pozzo (Sociology)
Language playfulness of contextual navigators: Young refugees’ language strategies for inclusion in the Netherlands
Promotor: H. Ghorashi

On the FSS Grants and Awards page, you can find more information about the research topics of the nominees.

Nominaties Johannes van der Zouwen Masterthesisprijs 2023

The Johannes van der Zouwen Masterthesis Award is the prize for the best master's thesis in the field of social science research. The master thesis has to be graded with a minimum of 8 and has to be completed and graded a maximum of 1 year before the submission date. Each master programme of FSS may nominate a thesis.

Aletta Koopmans (Sociale en Culturele Antropologie) 
Digital Feminist Activism among the Yemeni Transnational Community: A Case Study of Peace Track Initiative 

Céline Manten (Beleid, communicatie en organisatie) 
Zonder wrijving geen glans: Een kwalitatief onderzoek naar de omgang van management consultants met weerstand tijdens de unfreezing fase van een organisatieverandering 

Samuel Ornstein (Political Science) 
Civility is in the eye of the disobedient. Tolerance for violence during protest in the Netherlands 

Denise Roth (Societal Resillience) 
Adapting to the Climate Challenge: A Computational Analysis of UK’s Media, Politics, and Public in Addressing Climate Change 

Abel van de Sluis (Communicatiewetenschap) 
Latent opinions and overt expressions: antisemitic attitudes in Dutch society

Megan van der Vorst (Culture, Organization and Management)
“The Lockdown After Math”: Organizational trauma and healing in the aftermath of a slow-burning crisis 

Daphne van Waarde
Buiten de lijnen, niet buiten spel 

The winners of these awards will be announced on 19 January 2024, after the Talma Lecture. More information on the event can be found here.

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