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Safer Internet Day

7 February 2023
Here are some ways you can get involved and make a difference:

Today is Safer Internet Day. This day is celebrated globally and aims to make the online world a safer place for everyone. Here are some ways you can get involved and make a difference:

  1. Spread the word: Learn about online safety and privacy and share your newfound knowledge with your friends, family, and anyone who might benefit from it. Kids and seniors especially could use a helping hand.
  2. Be a responsible online citizen: When you're online, be mindful of the information you share and how you interact with others. Let's work together to stop cyberbullying, fake news, and hate speech.
  3. Support organizations that make the internet a better place
  4. Stay safe: Make sure to adjust your privacy settings on social media to keep your personal information secure.
  5. Report any suspicious activity: If you come across any online abuse or harassment, report it to the relevant authorities. Together, we can make the internet a safer place for everyone.

By taking these simple steps and raising awareness, we can all make a difference and create a better, safer internet for everyone!