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Making qualitative data reusable? DANS publishes a guidebook with tips

4 May 2023
At KIN, we believe that collaboration is key to successful research. The reuse of data is often suggested as a step towards more open and collaborative research practices. Making qualitative data – like interview or case study data – available for reuse is often problematic, as it is rich and complex data that is difficult to anonymize without losing crucial information. To help researchers navigate these challenges, a guidebook was developed based on the results of the Case-study Research & Data Reuse (CaRe&DaRe) project.

Qualitative data is particularly versatile and thus uniquely suited for reuse. However, privacy restrictions and barriers to anonymization make it challenging. Limited reuse wastes the valuable resources invested in the research and hinders opportunities for knowledge creation and accumulation.

The guidebook developed by DANS gives an overview of the challenges associated with making qualitative data reusable and provides guidance on how reusability can be improved and addressed at all stages of the research data life cycle. 

There is also a decision tree included that researchers and data stewards can use to evaluate the options for making qualitative data reusable that are most suited for their projects. In addition to discussing traditional options for open and restricted access, the guide also focuses on alternative options like making data available for decentralized reanalysis.

The guidebook was prepared in the context of the CaRe&DaRe project, overseen by KIN Researchers Hans Berends, Fleur Deken and Eric Haynes in collaboration with DANS and SURF. A novel decentralized procedure for the reuse of qualitative case study data was piloted and that is now further developed in the OPEN QUAL project. OPEN-QUAL aims to yield fundamental new insight into collaborative knowledge production in the field of management research and develop a platform to facilitate the discovery of relevant datasets. 

You can find the guidebook here.