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An inspirational afternoon at the FSS Education Festival “Assess to Impress”

5 July 2023
Thursday 29 June, FSS colleagues came together to break through our ‘assessment comfort zone’ and get inspired by good practices and innovative ideas about assessment.

After an introduction on the theme by Sylvia Vink and Peter Kerkhof, it was time for the keynote by the winners of the second prize of the Hoger Onderwijspremie, from Leiden University College. David Ehrhardt introduced The Learning Mindset, a toolkit so that students can take ownership of their own reflection process.

After the introduction to The Learning Mindset by Ehrhardt, Caroline Archambault and Daniela van den Brink gave examples and advantages of this method from their own experience from the perspective of a teacher and a student. Archambault explained that teachers ask students what they want feedback on and provide tailored feedback. They also use this method when it comes to peer feedback, for example, at the beginning of a presentation the student states a feedback request to their peers. As a result, students are less nervous and feel part of a team. Students also engage actively with their feedback by processing and reflecting on the feedback.

The interesting presentation led to many questions from the FSS colleagues. After this central start of the afternoon, it was time to break up into groups for the workshops and to learn from each other. There were workshops on replacing the master's thesis with a portfolio of assignments, on using ChatGPT in assessing and alternative forms of assessment.

After the workshops, it was time for the FSS Education prizes! Cultural Anthropology student Pia Beiermann won the StudenTalent Prize, and Jasper Muis of the Sociology department won the DocenTalent Prize. More on these winners can be read in this article.