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Announcing the winners of the FSS Education Prizes 2023

5 July 2023
During the FSS Education Festival, an award ceremony was held to announce and celebrate the winners of two FSS Education prizes: the StudenTalent prize and the DocenTalent prize.

Every year in our faculty, we look for students who inspire other students, who are innovative, who are role models, who stand out within the VU, but also outside the VU. The nominees this year were Laura Hogerwerf (3rd year student of Bestuurs- & Organisatiewetenschap), Pia Beiermann (3rd year student of Cultural Anthropology and Developmental Sociology), and Rebecca Jongkind (master student Bestuurskunde).

All three are incredibly talented and motivated students. And while the jury was impressed by all three nominees, one student stood out in a special, broader sense. This student has a lot of innovative ideas and is not afraid of taking many responsibilities. Her resume impressed, and the jury sees her as a fantastic role model. Her grades are top level, but most of all the jury is very impressed by her attitude. She would never brag about her many accomplishments. The winner is... Pia Beiermann!

The FSR held an online poll amongst our students, to find the most inspirational lecturer within our faculty. Three names were mentioned overwhelmingly by the students. Those three amazingly talented nominees for the FSS DocenTalent prize are Jasper Muis (Sociology), Andreu Casas Salleras (Communication Science), and Sietske van der Vliet (Public Administration & Political Science). But only one teacher can win this award, and with incredible support from the students, our FSS DocenTalent is… Jasper Muis!

Congratulations to all the nominees and winners for their outstanding work!

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