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VU takes important step towards 100% Open Access publishing

16 December 2022
As of January 1st, 2023, Open Access will become the standard for publishing at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. This was recently decided by the Executive Board. The new policy means that scientific publications by VU authors must be made Open Access and must be made available to everyone, under an open licence. By doing so, VU Amsterdam takes an important step towards more accessible and transparent science.

“Based on the conviction that knowledge and science should be accessible and transparent, we stand for the principles of Open Science”, says rector magnificus Jeroen Geurts. “With this policy, VU Amsterdam joins the international frontrunners. By offering everyone anywhere in the world the opportunity to learn about the results of our scientific research, even if they cannot afford expensive subscriptions, we at VU take our responsibility to people and society.”

The policy is in line with the requirements of more and more research funders, creating unity and clarity for researchers. It also commits VU Amsterdam to investing in a sustainable and affordable publication landscape.

What will change?
From January 1st, 2023 onwards, scientific publications by VU authors must:

  • be registered in the Current Research Information System (Pure)
  • be made immediately Open Access under an open licence, whenever possible
  • remain under the author’s copyright, whenever possible
  • be made available via the VU Research Portal (VU Repository, Pure)

The university supports VU authors in various ways to enable them to comply with this policy:

  • From 2023, the University Library will automatically make the short scientific work of VU authors Open Access via the VU Research Portal (VU Repository, Pure) after 6 months, even if this work has not been published Open Access originally ('green Open Access'). It is possible to exclude a publication from this general rule via an opt-out.
  • VU Amsterdam continues to enter into agreements whereby publishers are paid to directly enable Open Access for authors of VU and Amsterdam UMC / location VUmc ('gold Open Access').
  • Moreover, in its Open Science programme, VU invests in sustainable non-profit publishing initiatives that do not charge authors ('diamond Open Access').

In the VU Journal Publishing Guide you can see which journals you can publish in for free Open Access.

Questions about Open Access publishing?

Please contact the Open Access team at the University Library!


Profile photo of Open Access librarian Anne van den Maagdenberg

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