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Sharing data via Whatsapp? Please use Teams instead.

21 July 2022
Have you ever thought about whether the channel on which you share data is really completely private?

Sharing data via social media? Please don't! Instead, use a secure environment like the Microsoft Teams app.

You might recognize it, during your work you want to share some results written on the whiteboard to your colleagues as soon as possible. So what do you do? You take a picture of the board and send it to them via Whatsapp.

But have you ever thought about whether the channel on which you share data is really completely private? And what about the confidentiality of that data? Chances are you are dealing with intellectual property. And are you sure that shared photos not only infringe on this but, after publication, also harm the VU or a colleague!

Sharing through, for example, Whatsapp or Messenger can lead to intellectual property being damaged because these parties could do something with the data that was not thought of beforehand! What if that social media channel was allowed to use the content because of a non-exclusive, unlimited, sublicensable, worldwide license?

So don't!

Instead, use the Microsoft Teams app. You can install it for Android and Apple devices from the store!