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This tip will give you more screen privacy

6 March 2023
More and more people like to work on vacation, on the road or in public places. A privacy filter makes it harder for others to peek at your screen.

Strong passwords and 2 Factor-Authentication are a step in the right direction towards better information security, but these unfortunately do not help against prying hackers.

A simple solution is a privacy screen, also called a privacy filter. This is a thin piece of plastic that can be stuck to your monitor or screen and prevents wandering eyes from reading confidential information.

You may have seen a similar filter at the bank or ATM. Privacy filters use the same kind of technology.

Depending on the make and model, privacy screens begin to block the view at about a 30-degree side angle and can appear obscured near a 60-degree angle.

For more tips, check out the cybersecurity information page or take the mini-course!