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Rob de Crom appointed as managing director SBE

12 April 2022
The Executive Board has appointed Rob de Crom as managing director of the School of Business and Economics, effective 1 May 2022. He has held this position ad interim since 1 July 2021.

SBE Dean Arjen van Witteloostuijn: "Rob combines a great deal of knowledge of the primary process with strategic insight and has a very pleasant and effective style of management and leadership. I am very pleased that he will continue to work for SBE in the coming years in this new role as managing director (MD). I am sure that, with his vast experience on campus, he will also mean a lot to VU Amsterdam as a whole as MD of SBE. I very much look forward to our further cooperation."

According to Marcel Nollen, Rob de Crom has made the transition from director of education to managing director in his own convincing way and has shown noticeable enjoyment in this new position.

Rob de Crom: "SBE is in full swing and these new initiatives give me a lot of energy to further improve the quality together with my colleagues. After having worked as director of education for several years, it is interesting and fun to be able to further strengthen education, research and impact from a different angle.

The Executive Board is convinced that with Rob, it has appointed a good managing director with broad knowledge of education and wishes him every success in his new position.

The appointment has been made in consultation with the staff council.

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