The training was held in Dhaka, Bangladesh last September, 3 years later after the first training in 2019 @VU Amsterdam the Netherlands. The training involved many group exercises. One of the successes during the training was to move away from talking about sexuality in a problem focussed way.
Our special guest Hasan Ashraf provided an illuminating lecture about the types and sources of exploitation and health problem RMG-workers are facing. "There is a false claim that the West is empowering BGD through the garment industry" This is a myth because empowerment equals accountability and taking responsibility from the clothing Brands (company owners) and they are doing neither!
Besides the training Anke and I also participated in the 7th Knowledge Fair "Know Better, Be Stronger!", organized by Share-Net Bangladesh on September 26th. Focussing on access to quality information on SRHR. It was a very successful event!
Partners STITCH:
▪ Directorate General of Family Planning (DGFP), Field Services Delivery
▪ Ayat Skill Development Centre (ASDC)
▪ Indigenous Peoples Development Services (IPDS)
▪ RedOrange Media & Communications Ltd. (RO)