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Research data management community

Look at the University Library Calendar
Last updated on 15 November 2023
All researchers and research support staff who are interested in research data management (RDM) and want to find out more about it are welcome to join the VU RDM Community. The objective of the network is to exchange knowledge and inspire each other.

You can take part in the following activities: 

  • monthly Data Conversations (now online) meetings
  • monthly RDM community calls for the RDM Support Staff

To get on the mailing list, send an email to
With questions about RDM you can either contact your faculty’s data steward or the RDM Support Desk.

Stay up to date about our activities

Monthly Data Conversations

The VU Data Conversations are intended for VU Amsterdam researchers, students, support and management staff, data stewards and data specialists. The goal of these meetings is to create a space for knowledge sharing between different faculties and disciplines. The topics we discuss include research transparency, reproducibility, open methods and open data. The meetings start with a brief presentation, after which the floor is thrown open for discussion.

Thinking of giving a Data Conversation presentation yourself?

We are planning for the new Data Conversation meeting. If you would like to give a brief presentation on data management, open data, open methods or reproducible research, please fill out this form. We are keen to receive input from our community. 

Vibrant research communities in Amsterdam

If you are interested in open science, research reproducibility, programming skills and methodology of working with data, you might want to check out some of the groups and meeting series listed below.

Open Science Community Amsterdam
ReproducibiliTea VU Amsterdam
Student Initiative for Open Science
Medical Data plus Pizza Meetups

All of these grassroots initiatives have links with the VU, however, they are absolutely independent of the RDM community. If you have any questions about these initiatives, use the contact information provided on their corresponding websites.

Community manager RDM & Open Science

Lena Karvovskaya is VU Amsterdam's RDM and Open Science community manager. She visits RDM expertise meetings and conferences at home and abroad and takes care of the proper dissemination of the latest knowledge throughout VU Amsterdam.

Questions about the RDM Community?

Contact the RDM Support Desk


Community Manager Lena Karvovskaya