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TenT exam facility

Last updated on 12 September 2024
The TenT exam facility is ideally suited for conducting paper- and computer-based exams.

Capacity for computer-based exams

The TenT exam facility offers a total of 581 exam spots. The spots are divided into eight sections. The use of these sections depends on the number of students that is expected to sit an exam. It is also possible to schedule multiple exams at the same time.

Applications and allocation for regular VU exams

Applications for regular VU exams and resits must be submitted during designated periods in spring (May) and autumn (October). The exact timing of these application periods is determined annually and aligned with the academic year calendar. Time slots and exam rooms are assigned by the Room Reservation and Coordination Desk (CRP), which draws up the exam timetable in consultation with the faculties’ schedulers.

TenT priority for VU applications

Several factors are taken into account when processing applications. For example, VU exams are always given priority over those of external parties. For the TenT facility, this additional prioritization applies: 
1) Language proficiency test
2) Computer-based exams
3) Paper-based exams

TenT applications and allocation for VU exams outside of regular exam periods

Contact the Exam organisation, see contact details below.

TenT applications and allocation for external parties’ exams

External parties can only rent the TenT exam facility for exams. Specific rules and conditions apply for external parties. For instance, TenT is not available during VU exam weeks. Applications for the summer months of July and August, and for Saturdays, can only be approved if they do not coincide with any scheduled VU exam or resit periods. It should also be noted that the use of TenT is not free of charge for external parties. For more information on renting TenT as an external party, please see the page Renting lecture and conference rooms.

Procedures, rules and invigilation during exams in TenT

Conducting an exam in a large hall like TenT requires sound organization, not only during the exam itself but also with regard to exam transportation and invigilation. All information about the relevant procedures and accompanying forms can be found on Exams: invigilation and forms. If you would like more information, please contact the Exam organisation. See contact details below.

Price list and further information

Exam organisation

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