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Medical Device Regulation (MDR)

Check here if the MDR rules apply to your research
Last updated on 15 August 2024
Do you work with or develop medical devices? Then please pay attention to the European rules down in the Medical Device Regulation (MDR).

MDR rules
The MDR rules are intended to improve safety and set stricter requirements for market approval of medical devices, including in-vitro diagnostics. The most important changes are:

•             strengthening of the market authorisation system;
•             more transparency for patients and better traceability;
•             stricter rules for certain products.

Do you want more information?

For questions, please send an email to

A special class of devices is intended for in vitro
diagnostics. There are also European rules for
this. This In-Vitro Diagnostic Regulation (IVDR)
took effect from 26 May 2022.
Contact the MDR helpdesk if you are unsure

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