What ambitions do you have as a team, and what competencies and skills do you need to be able to realise them in the future? Strategic Personnel Planning helps you focus on the future prospects of your team and the actions needed to allow your team to grow along with changes and developments.
Strategic Personnel Planning consists of a number of steps: a picture of the future perspective, an analysis of the current situation and a plan to achieve the desired future situation. For a good outcome, it is important to look at ambitions, team composition and expected developments from different perspectives. That is why you usually go through SPP with a number of managers of a department or unit, under the guidance of the HR Advisor.
The interpretation and sequence of steps may vary from one unit to another. For a faculty, the career paths and academic focus areas of Recognition & Rewards are a crucial subject of analysis, as are certain roles such as program directors and portfolio holders. A development like AI requires more development in competencies in some departments than others. However you approach it, the most important thing is for managers to take time regularly to review whether the current team is well prepared for the future in composition and competencies.